Episerver (Optimizely) - Episerver Foundation installation and publishing (Episerver 11)

Last Updated 2 years ago

This article covers the topic of how to install the Screen9 Plugin on Episerver Foundation. To find general instructions on installing Episerver plugin please check "Install the Screen9 Episerver Plugin" article.

To start the installation process. You will need to get the Episerver Foundation project from the GitHub website. If you don’t have a project already set up on your computer, please read the installation guide on the project website.

In order to install the Screen9 Plugin, you need to open the Episerver Foundation project in Visual Studio 2019 or newer.

Install NuGet package in Visual Studio


Right-click your Foundation project and choose "Manage NuGet Packages...".


The Screen9 plugin for Episerver is available both in the official Episerver NuGet feed and nuget.org.

Make sure the package source is set to one of the above mentioned, go to the Browse tab and search for Screen9.

Choose "Screen9.Episerver.Video.plugin" from the list, and press the install button to start the installation process. It may take a few minutes.

The plugin is now installed on your Episerver, follow the steps below to add Screen9 account as a content provider in the asset pane.

For more information about how to use the Screen9 Episerver Plugin, check out this article.

Add Screen9 to the asset pane

Create a REST API Access token with Read, Write and Upload privileges. We recommend setting the access level to Public in order to only display approved media, however, if users are allowed to upload media from EpiServer the token must be Full otherwise the video will not be visible after upload. More details on how to create a REST API Access token can be found in this article.


Find the file named Screen9-plugin-readme.md in your solution explorer and open it.

Copy the three rows under "xml" in Screen9-plugin-readme.md.


Find the file named appSettings.config in your solution explorer and open it.

Paste the three rows from Screen9-plugin-readme.md in the file appSettings.config under appSettings key and fill in values for Screen9ProviderAccountId and Screen9ProviderRestApiToken from the access token you created previously and save appSettings.config.


Find the file named Web.config in your solution explorer and open it.

Inside the file, find a row with Content-Security-Policy and add *.screen9.com to the value.


Now, you are ready to run the Foundation project in Visual Studio.


Navigate to a page you want to embed a video on, open the assets pane and find a video that you want to embed, more on how to use the Screen9 plugin for Episerver can be found in this article.


Screen9 Video content folder is not visible in the Assets pane.

Solution 1
Go to the My Settings page, select the Display Options tab. In the Views section, click on the Reset Views button and press Save


Solution 2

  • Uninstall Screen Video plugin nuget package from the project.

  • Open the cmd in admin mode, go to Foundation project directory and run resetup.cmd

  • Install Screen9 Video plugin nuget package again. (Note: Please don’t run the project before plugin installation)

  • Run the project in Visual Studio.

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