Last Updated 2 years ago

REST API documentation

Swagger interactive REST API documentation

Please enter Account Id in "user" field and REST API Token in "password" field to test Swagger interface.

Access tokens can be created, edited and revoked using the Quickchannel Account Console, under Settings -> API. This requires Administrator privileges. See example screenshot below:


Token privileges

Token privileges can be changed and revoked after the token has been created.

Access level
Determines whether the token only should have access to public content ("Moderated" media in Console, or "Visible" categories) or to all content.
Read privileges
Determines whether the token should be able to read content on the account or not.
Write privileges
Determines whether the token should be able to make changes to content on the account or not.
Upload privileges
Determines whether the token should be able to add content to the account or not
Domain lock
Optional. Ensures that the token is only valid for API calls originating from authorized domains where the API has been integrated.
IP low / IP high
Optional. Determines whether the token should be able to have access only if the API call is done from a specified IP-address. IP low can be a single IP. If you wish to add an IP range, enter the low IP and the highest IP of the range.

Note that the Name is only used to identify the Access Token in the Console, when accessing the API you need your Account ID (also known as custid).

Note also that there is a rate limit set for the API calls, if you believe you are experiencing issues because of this, please contact Quickchannel support.

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