Distribution to e-Plikt

Last Updated 5 months ago

The E-plikt integration enables export of videos to the National Library of Sweden (Kungliga Biblioteket) for archiving video content.


Eplikt integration is an addon feature. Send an email to csm@quickchannel.com to start the setup. Once the integration has been confirmed by Quickchannel, register on the National Library of Sweden E-plikt website and contact e-plikt@kb.se with a request for the following data:

organization: name of the organization in The National Library of Sweden (KB)
organization_uri: identification with URI + unique corporate identity no (Swedish "organisationsnummer"). Prefix "URI:". Example: "URI:http://id.kb.se/organisations/SE2021001710"
profile: a URI reference to the profile. KB supplies value URI to be used
delivery_specification: a URI reference to the specification document for the designated delivery type. KB supplies value URIs to be used
submission_agreement: a URI reference to the submission agreement. KB supplies value URI to be used
ftp_server: IP-address given to the media provider by KB at sign-up
ftp_username: username given to the media provider by KB at sign-up
ftp_password: password given to the media provider by KB at sign-up

Send an email to support@quickchannel.com with a request to set up the export with the above data received from the National Library of Sweden along with the account name in Quickchannel to enable it on.

We will connect your account(s) to E-plikt.
After that, contact E-plikt support at e-plikt@kb.se and they will get back with information about how to perform test deliveries to confirm that all data is according to their specification.
Once they have approved the test deliveries, you will receive confirmation from Kungliga Biblioteket once they are ready to start receiving exports.


To export a video to E-plikt once the connection has been set up, Go to Media -> Distribution. There you should find the an E-plikt section with an Export button. Clicking the button will export your video to the National Library of Sweden and the Export button will fade down disabling further exports of this video. Note that exports cannot be undone as a policy from the National Library of Sweden.



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