How to use Vytas AI (Live transcription)

Last Updated about a month ago

​With Vytas AI LIVE, Quickchannel takes a big step forward in making video communication more accessible. Businesses and organizations can now easily enable automatic transcription for their live events, making the content accessible to a wider audience, including those with hearing impairments. This innovative solution demonstrates Quickchannel's commitment to creating inclusive and accessible digital environments.​

How to enable Vytas AI LIVE for your live event?

To use Vytas AI LIVE in your broadcast just simply create a new live event - you can read how to create a live event in a separate article here.

On the event creation wizard, under Advanced settings turn on Live captions (AI).


Note, that you cannot simultaneously use AI and Manual Live captions.

If you do not have the Live captions (AI) function enabled on your account - contact your sales representative for detailed information.

And that's it! Once the event starts, all the viewers will be able to enable the subtitles generated by Vytas AI on the Amber Player control bar under the Subtitles button by selecting a language specified in the creation wizard.

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