Wordpress - Quickchannel Plugin Installation and Usage Guide

Last Updated 10 months ago

This article covers the topic of how to install and use the Quickchannel Plugin (Screen9) for Wordpress. Administer credentials on Wordpress is required to install the Quickchannel Plugin.
The wordpress plugin requires Gutenberg block editor.

Download the plugin

Contact Quickchannel support to obtain the plugin zip file required for installation.
Quickchannel Support

Installing the Plugin


Navigate to the Tools tab in Wordpress and select Plugins. Here you will need to click on the
Add New tab to install the Quickchannel plugin.


Once you've clicked the Add New button you can upload the plugin via a .zip file.
The zip file does not have to be unpacked as Wordpress will do this for you.


When you've selected the zip file you can press Activate Plugin, this will perform the installation. A small message indicating that the installation was successful will appear.


Once the installation is complete you can view the Plugin in your Installed Plugins page.

Publishing or uploading video using the Plugin


When adding a new block a button will appear to add Quickchannel Videos.


Press Choose Video to be redirected to your Quickchannel Console. If you are not logged in you will be asked to do so.

Log in to your Quickchannel Account as normal.


In your Media List a button to the left of your media files appears, use this button to select which video or media file you want to publish or upload a new video to Quickchannel first.


Once selected you will be taken back to your Wordpress page where the embedded video will appear. Select and customize this block as you would with any other block.


Now you are done. The video will be embedded on your Wordpress page.

If you're experiencing any difficulties installing the plugin or using the plugin, please contact Quickchannel support.

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