Transcription (Automatically Generated Subtitles)
Using the Transcribe feature you can have subtitles automatically generated based on the audio of a video. Videos up to 8 hours long can be transcribed.
To have a video transcribed, navigate to the Subtitle page of the media you want transcribed.
Select the language that is spoken in the video, using the drop down menu under Transcription. Press "Transcribe" and wait for the subtitles to be generated.
Next to the subtitle language there's a processing icon displayed until the transcription process has completed.
After the subtitles are generated you can open the subtitle editor directly on the subtitles page if you want to make any changes to the automatically generated subtitles.
Auto transcription services
GDPR - Quickchannel
Quickchannel offers two different engines for auto transcription/translation service
Vytas AI: Auto transcription, translation
Google: Auto transcription, translation